Join MOMS Club

Membership to MOMS Club of Grants Pass, OR is open to all moms in Grants Pass and surrounding areas!

Joining the MOMS Club of Grants Pass is very simple.  You are even welcome to come check us out at our monthly meeting before deciding whether you would like to join our MOMS Club.  When you decide you'd like to join our MOMS Club, just fill out a quick application, and pay the annual dues of $20**.  (All dues go towards fundraisings, projects, advertising, yearly barbecues, field trips, and such.)  Applications are always available at our monthly meetings.  ** Please note that no member will be excluded for financial difficulties.  If our dues are too much for your family, please don't hesitate to talk to one of our executive members.

To find out more information or to RSVP to our next meeting please contact us!
We look forward to meeting you soon!!!